Friends, I am a bit of an oddball when it comes to pop culture. I’m not always into fads and stuff…just look at my closet and you’ll know what I’m talking about. #Ilovevintage #glovesandsaddleshoes
One of the things that makes this difference apparent, is my…well, how do I say this…I’m just not a Downton Abby fan.
*dun dun dunnnnnnn*

Are you shocked? Well, it’s true. HOWEVER, one thing that would induce me to watch, are the costumes and the interesting history that follows the characters. One of those historical events being WWI. It has only been recently that I have learned more about that incredible time in recent history and I can honestly say it's really opened my eyes in may ways.
Now, if you ARE a D.A. fanatic, and you DO go gaga over those styles like I do, and you LOVE that era in history, and you are a HUGE fan of the English countryside, and you KILL for awesome romance (ok, maybe not "kill"...;) )—then I think you’ll like the book I’m reviewing today.
Book Rating: Up All Night’er
I have known this author for a while, but I’m slow when it comes to reading these days, and I FINALLY had the chance to enjoy her work, and let me tell you, it's phenomenal.
Pepper Basham is a delight, and her writing is just a lovely as she is. Her second novel THE THORN KEEPER releases February 28, and I know you will be consumed by it, like I was.
First of all, I must take a moment to comment on that cover!!! The flowers and the colors and the HAT???!!! Very beautiful.
For a quick understanding of the story...
Here’s the blurb:
With her newfound faith, Catherine Dougall hopes to take the remnants of her threadbare life and make something beautiful, even if society shuns every choice she makes.
Dr. David Ross must save his war hospital from ruin, but when his notorious aunt makes an offer he can’t refuse, he must choose between his surprising affection for a reformed flirt or his dreams.
From the beautiful Derbyshire countryside to the trenches of World War One, Catherine and David must learn to trust in a God who never forgets his children and fashions beauty out of the most broken things.
Sounds fantastic, right?? Now, I will admit. I haven’t read the first book in the series, THE THORN BEARER, (though I have heard incredible things!!) and it had an impact on how I was able to connect with the story and the characters—which is the only reason I wasn’t able to give it my highest rating. So, if you do plan to read this one (which I highly suggest you do) then I would recommend you pick up that book first. I will definitely be reading it pronto and reviewing that one as well.
The romance in this book is absolutely insane!! Wow, wow, wow. The tension gets CRAZY and I loved it!!! We all enjoy a bit of romantic agony, right?? This fits the bill, I'm tellin' ya. As for the historical element, I found it captivating with incredible details, but I didn’t feel like it took over the plot, which sometimes happens with historicals. Instead, it enhanced the story, and I felt I could really envision everything!
Now to the part I love best. Her style. Pepper's "voice" is like a peaceful, summer stream--you just want to hop right in and once you do, you don't want to leave. She writes such lovely prose and gorgeous imagery, I was really swept away. She also does a masterful job with the Christian element, as well. I was often very moved by the spiritual strength and growth of the characters and it made me reflect on my life and growth. Bravo, Pepper!
So, friends, be watching for this book's release on the 28th. This story is...dare I say it...a keeper. BAHAHAHA
Get it?? Man, I'm hilarious... ;)
Congratulations, Pepper!!
Happy Reading!